
How to Disable iOS/iPad App availability on Mac Store, Silicon?

As we all know that iPhone and iPad apps will be available on Mac App Store on Apple silicon. So if you are willing not to serve on Mac App Store we need to do some changes to  our deployed builds. As we know this is going to happen automatically on Apple Silicon Mac for all your iOS/iPad App. Though there will be no modification on the App.  Thank God !! There is no extra work for porting to the Mac App.   Do not worry about the framework and all they will work just fine as they were working on the iPhone and iPad, the framework will be intact as it is. So Happy 😊 How we can identify the app on the Mac App Store, Users will be able to find iPhone and iPad apps right on the Mac App Store. These apps will be distinguished by the “ Designed for iPhone ” and “ Designed for iPad ” badge next to the app icon. You should not worry about the rating and review as well those will be independently mapped. Managing Mac App Store availability.   By default, your apps will be pub

Closures in Swift - Part 2

 As we discussed the closure in detail in the previous blog as Closure in Swift - Part 1 . I would like to suggest to go first if you want to understand this better.  Closures as Reference Types: As if we assign as  let closure =  closreReturnFromFunction()   to constant but that does not mean that its constant and closure scope can not be changed. As you have seen in the previous  Closure in Swift - Part 1 .  that counter can be modified once the closure will execute, this is because closure is reference types.   When we assigned closure to variable or constant we actually assigned closure reference not the content of closure. I Hope, it's clear !!. Escaping Closures: A closure is said to be escaping closure when it is passed as a function argument to the function and it will execute after the function returns from its scope. This is asynchronous in behavior.   Let's understand what that does It means. It's simple. Trust me. So when the function starts execut

Xcode 11 New Features

New Features General Xcode 11 beta supports development with SwiftUI, available when running on macOS 10.15 beta. Xcode supports uploading apps from the Organizer window or from the command line with xcodebuild or xcrun altool . Application Loader is no longer included with Xcode. LaunchServices on macOS now respects the selected Xcode when launching Instruments, Simulator, and other developer tools embedded within Xcode. Apple Clang Compiler:  Deprecation warnings will be issued when standard library facilities that were deprecated in the active Standard version are used.  Asset Catalog Assets can now be cut, copied, pasted, and duplicated using the menu or keyboard shortcuts. Build System Xcode removes some entries from the Info.plist file of a product at build time if the entries are not appropriate for the platform being built for, which is useful for targets which are configured to build for multiple platforms. This behavior can be disabled by settin

What’s New in the iOS 13?

What’s New in the iOS 13?      iOS 13 comes with DarkMode, PencilKit, Sign In with Apple, Core Data syncing with             CloudKit Swift UI and many more. 1.      Dark Mode: users can switch to Dark Mode to transform iOS to a darkened color scheme 2.      SwiftUI: A modern approach to building user interfaces for iOS, macOS, watchOS, and tvOS.  The framework provides views, controls, and layout structures for declaring your app’s user interface. 3.      Multiple UI Instances: the user can create and manage multiple instances of your app’s user interface simultaneously, and switch between them using the app switcher. For example, the Calendar app can display the appointments for a specific day and for an entire month side by side. 4.      Sign In with Apple:  Now you can sign with Apple An account with secure, fast and private way. 5.      Camera Capture: Record a video using the front and back cameras simultaneously using  AVCaptureMultiCamSession

Closures in Swift - Part 1

Closures: Closures in Swift are similar to blocks in C and Objective-C and to lambdas in other programming languages.  Closures can capture and store references to any constants and variables from the context in which they are defined .  Swift handles all of the memory management of capturing for you. Declaration: You can declare as below: { ( parameters ) -> return type in statements } The  parameters  in closure expression syntax can be in-out parameters, but they can’t have a default value.  A simple closure can be declared as below as well let  newClosures = {      print ( "This is new basic closure which very simple to create and call" ) } we can call using like this  newClosures (). Closure With Parameter:  we passed the parameter in the closure and can pass the string as below. The basic different closure and function is closure do not use "Argument Label" while defining and